Important Information

Learning Objectives

On completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand the benefits of achieving a healthy work-life balance.
  • Implement strategies to improve well-being and achieve better balance.
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of stress
  • Implement strategies to improve their resilience and better cope with stress.
  • Utilize various models and theories to manage their reactions to stressful situations and challenge negative thoughts.
  • Draw upon relaxation techniques to improve their coping ability.
  • Course Contents

    The program will broadly cover the following areas:

  • Stand and Deliver : Your Job or Your Life (WLB- aim, importance, focus)
  • POWER of habit - Smarter-Faster -Better
  • The FUN Audit
  • Flex- the new age Leadership
  • Mastering the basics (Stress & Stressors)
  • Preparing to Work for WLB
  • The Bigger Picture : Getting what you want, LONG TERM
  • My WLB essentials
  • Who Should Attend

    The program is designed for all working and non working professionals including:

  • Middle and senior-level managers: (Regional/Zonal/ Department heads)
  • Human resources professionals: HR and L&D professionals
  • Executives and decision-makers: Senior leaders/BU Heads/Functional heads
  • Professionals experiencing high levels of stress: Senior Employees who may benefit from learning strategies
  • Methods
    The program will use a mix of lecture, discussions, case studies, group work and presentations. Efficient use of time and stress management techniques will be used.