Additional Administrative Titles -
- PhD Supervisor, TDP mentor, Departmental IQAC & NAAC team member.
Academic Degrees -
- PhD, Tourism, Sikkim University, 2023
- MBA, Tourism, IITTM, Gwalior, 2018
- B.COM, Patna Women’s College, 2016
Academic Appointments -
- Assistant Professor, Vivekananda Global University, Oct 2023- Present
- Assistant Professor, Sanskriti University, March- Oct 2023
Professional Experience -
- Red Letter Holidays, Sales & operations, Jan-Dec 2018
Research Interests -
- Tourism, Behavioral Marketing, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty.
Publications -
- Rani, R., & Singh, Dr. A. K. (2020). Rejuvenation of Tourism Industry Post COVID 19. CLIO- an Interdisciplinary Journal, 06(13), 135–143.
- Rani, R., & Singh, Dr. A. K. (2021). Repurchase Behaviour and the factors affecting Tourists Satisfaction. Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 11(41), 70–75.
- Rani, R., & Singh, Dr. A. K. (2022). Importance of fairs and festivals as a Tourism Product: A Qualitative Study. Anhad Lok, 08(15), 300–308.
- Rani, R., & Singh, Dr. A. K. (2023). E-Marketing in Tourism: A Necessity after COVID 19. Anhad Lok, 18(09), 390–400.
- Rani, R., & Singh, Dr. A. K. (2023). National Education Policy 2020. In Kumari. Priyanka & Singh. Pratibha (Eds.), National Education Policy 2020. Notionpress.
Conferences, Talks & Speaking Engagements -
- Guest lecture on ‘Public Relations & Ethics’ for AC-ABC trainees in Sanskriti University Incubation Centre under MANAGE (National Centre for Management of Agricultural Extension) on 25/05/2023.
- Addressed a technical session in ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ exchange programme held at Sikkim
- Resource person- Delivered lecture on ‘Accessibility, Accommodation, and Activities in the NER’ in
- National Workshop, organized by Assam University.