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Course Fees 2025-2026

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(Academic Session 2025-26)
(Applicable to Students with Domicile in India or Nepal Only)

Name of Program Fees per Year Duration


  • Application Form Fee: Rs. 2000
  • Registration Fee: Rs. 2500 for all semesters
  • Examination Fee: Separate for each semester, notified at the beginning of each Academic Year
  • Caution Money: Rs. 10,000 (Refundable), payable once at the time of admission
  • Enrolment Fee: Rs. 10,000 (Non-refundable), payable once at the time of admission
  • Odd Semester Fee Submission Date: 1st June (1st semester to pay on the date of admission) of each year
  • Even Semester Fee Submission Date: 15th December of each year
  • Alumni Fee: Rs. 7500, to be paid in third or final semester (whichever comes first) by 1st June of each year
  • Degree/Convocation Fee: Rs. 7500, to be paid in the final semester by 15th December of each year
Courses having Academic Fee Rs 1,00,000/- or Below Courses having Academic Fee more than Rs 1,00,000/-
Additional Course (Above 20 Credits per Semester) Rs 5000 for each Rs 7500 for each
Exit Courses Rs 20000 Rs 30000
Additional Specialization (Minimum 18 Credits in the Discipline) Rs 30000 Rs 50000


S.No. Program Fees (in Rs.)
1 Design 50000
2 Sports 50000
3 Sustainable Development 50000
4 Indian Knowledge Systems 40000
5 Performing Arts 50000
6 Environmental Science 50000
7 Economics 50000
8 Social & Community Engagement 50000
9 Entrepreneurship 50000
10 Psychology 50000

*To be paid in two installments.

For complete program minimum 18 credits to be done.

Zero Cost EMI Facility Available


  • The EMI Facility is only for complete annual fee (Includes Academic + Other Fees)
  • Total 8 EMI options, last EMI to be paid by March 31st of each year
  • Undertaking that in case of default, university might take appropriate action including not allowing in exam
  • Approval of EMI facility will be as per the norms of NBFC

Rules and Regulations

  • No student will be allowed to register for courses if his/her fee is due on the date of commencement of the semester i.e. 1st June & 15th December of each year
  • Access to university facilities will be allowed only on clearance of dues
  • After 20 days of starting of a new semester if fees is not cleared, student will be deregistered and will be allowed after payment of re-registration charges of Rs 11,000 in advance
  • Hostel & transportation facilities are allowed only on payment of fee, in advance, as per the norms
  • All must pay their all kinds of fees through ERP & get the fee receipt printed from there itself

Examination Fee Information

(For Semester End Term Examination Session 2025-26)

1. All Certificate/Diploma/UG Programs (Per Semester) other that Final Semester
a. End Term Examination Rs. 2500
b. Re-Registration Rs. 5000
2. All PG Programs (Per Semester) other than Final Semester
c. End Term Examination Rs. 2500
d. Back Paper Examination (Per Theory/Practical Course) Rs. 5000
3. Fee for Final Semester Examination
e. All Certificate/Diploma/UG/PG Programs Rs. 5000

Exam Fee Submission Schedule

(Including Back Exam)

Semester Last Date for Fee Payment Each Year Last Date for Fee Payment (With Double Fee) Each Year Last date for fee payment (with triple fee) each year
Odd 1st June 15th June 1st July
Even 15th December 31st December 1st January


(Academic Session 2025-26)
(Applicable to all students from 1st to Final Year)

Hostel Type Proposed Fee Security Deposit

AC Billing: AC billing will be separate and will be charged as per actual usage.

Hostel Fee Schedule

  • Room Booking: 10th May (Except 1st Semesters)
  • Booking Amount: Rs 35,000/- (Booking amount once paid will not be refunded)
  • 1st Installment: 1st June
  • 2nd Installment: 15th December

Note: Date of Reporting: 24th July 2025

Uniform Policy: Uniform is mandatory in the university campus.

Transportation Fees

The Transportation Fees for the session 2025-26 has been reflected below. All students, faculty members and staff desirous of availing the transportation facility are requested to fill the 'Bus Requisition Form' along with the transportation fees and deposit in the Accounts Office. The seat will be allocated on first-come-first-serve basis.

S.No. Approved Bus Routes Fees Per Year


  • New stops within Jaipur can be added to our transportation service route provided there is a sufficient number of faculty, staff, and students requesting the addition. The fee for these new stops will be determined based on the distance and convenience.
  • To book the transportation facility from campus, an advance payment of Rs. 5000/- is required. The remaining amount must be paid in two equal instalments, on 1st June and 15th December of each year.

Center for Distance & Online Education

(Online Program – January Cycle)

Registration Fee of Rs. 1000 is non-refundable.

S.No. Program Branch & Specialization Academic Fees per Year (INR) Foreign Nationals Fees
1 BA Combination of any three subjects (Economics, Political Science, English, History, Computer Applications, Public Policy and Development, International Relations, Psychology) 20,000 $450
2 MA English and MAJMC 32,000 $720
  • General
  • Aviation Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Retail Management
  • FinTech
  • Travel and Tourism
38,000 $850
4 BCA General
Artificial Intelligence
Data Science
Cloud Technology and Information Security
Block Chain Technology
38,000 $850
5 MBA Human Resource
Information Technology
International Business
65,000 $1420
6 M.Sc Mathematics 32,000 $720
7 MCA MCA 65,000 $1420

Note: 20% Scholarship will be provided to all enrolled VGU Students for 2nd degree.

Center for Distance & Online Education

(Distance Program – January Cycle)

Registration Fee of Rs. 1000 is non-refundable.
Examination Fee Rs 1500 for each semester.

S.No. Program Academic Fees per Year (INR)
1 BBA 17,500
2 BCA 17,500
3 MBA 27,500
4 MCA 27,500
5 M.Sc (Maths) 18,500

Note: 10% scholarship will be provided to all enrolled VGU students for 2nd Degree.

ABC ID Creation

Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) platform has been developed by National e-Governance Division (NeGD) of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) under Digi Locker Framework, with the functionality of opening of Academic Account by the student and onboarding of eligible HEIs. ABC will digitally store the academic credits earned by students from HEIs registered with ABCs for awarding degrees/certificates taking into account credits earned by students.

All students at VGU are hereby requested to mandatorily create and submit their ABC IDs for successful transfer of credits by the University to the central credit bank within 15 days of enrollment generation. Without ABC ID students will not be allowed to appear in end-term examination.

Students who already have created ABC ID, please submit the ID along with your enrolment number at to integrate with the ERP.

Student who are yet to create their ABC ID, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Digi Locker Account. Create Digi Locker Account, if not created already.
  2. Search for Education Category.
  3. Select your University (VGU, Jaipur).
  4. Click on Generate ABC ID.
  5. You may check your accumulated credits by logging on to

Students who are not able to register themselves can share their details in prescribed format to the university, so that the University may create the ABC id for the student.

Student Name:
Mobile No.:
Date of Birth:
Aadhaar Card No.:
Enrolment No.:

*Student Mobile Number must be linked with Aadhaar card.

Documents Required For Admission

Students are kindly advised to bring both the original documents and copies listed below when reporting to the University Campus.

Diploma Course UG Course
10th Class Certificate 10th Class Certificate
12th Class Certificate 12th Class Certificate
Transfer Document/Migration Transfer Document/Migration
Aadhaar Card of the student/or other Valid Govt Photo Id Entrance Test Rank/Score Card (Optional)
Aadhar Card of the student/or other Valid Govt Photo ID
PG Course Ph.D Course
10th Class Certificate 10th Class Certificate
12th Class Certificate 12th Class Certificate
Graduation Certificate Graduation Certificate and Post-Graduation Certificate
Transfer Document/ Migration Transfer Document/ Migration
Entrance Test Rank/Score Card (Optional) Entrance Test Rank/Score Card
Aadhaar Card of the Student/or other Valid Govt Photo ID Aadhaar Card of the Student/or other Valid Govt Photo ID

For International Students: Additional Certificates

  • Copy of Passport
  • Copy of Visa
  • Issue and Expiry date of the Student Visa
  • Print of C-Form/S-Form
  • Health Insurance
  • Offer Letter
  • Acceptance Letter
  • Transcript in English Language

Photo Requirements

  • The photograph should be in colour and of the size of 2 inch x 2 inch (51 mm x 51 mm)
  • Center head within frame and present full head from top of hair to bottom of chin.
  • The face should cover about 60-70 percent of the photo area
  • The applicant's head, including both face and hair, should be shown from the crown of the head to the tip of the chin.
  • Please ensure both ears, neck, and shoulders are clearly visible.
  • The head must be centered within the frame.
  • Photo should present Full face, front view, eyes open.
  • Background should be plain white colored without borders with contract-colored clothes (not white clothes).
  • Photos with dark, busy, or patterned backgrounds will not be accepted.
  • No shadows on the face or in the background.

Additional Documents

  1. Caste Certificate
  2. Income Certificate
  3. Medical Certificate


  1. Original Documents need to be submitted at the time of reporting, will be returned after due verification
  2. The prospective student has to ensure that their education/qualifying degree has been issued from a recognized University/Board only. It should be recognized by regulatory authority of Government of India. For recognized Board of Education to check COBSE while for Polytechnic Diploma check the respective State Board of Technical Education. To verify degrees from UGC for recognized universities. For foreign prospective learners they may verify their institutions from AIU.
  3. Foreign students are also eligible to seek admission, provided the relevant AIU equivalence is taken by the student before applying for the physical programs.
  4. Indian students who have completed education from Foreign University are also required to get the AIU equivalence before applying for the physical programs.