Additional Administrative Titles -
- Pro - HOD for Faculty of Physiotherapy and
Occupational Therapy
Academic Degrees -
- Ph.D. - Pursuing
- Masters in Physiotherapy (Neurology)
- Bachelors of Physiotherapy from MAHE,
- Certified fitness and health coach.
- Certified Dry Needling expert
- Certified as HS-A female health educator
- Certified in Trichology
- Certified in Cosmetology
- Certified in Skin Aesthetics
Academic Appointments -
- Working as an Associate Professor in VGU for
four years. (2020 - till date)
- October 2006 - 2008 Aadesh Medical
College and research center, Punjab.
Professional /Administrative Experience -
- 2006 - 2008 Adesh Medical College and
research center, Punjab.
- 2008 - 2011 - As a Coordinator in Disha
- 2012 - 2020- Centre Head SNM
Rehabilitation and Research Centre.
- 2020 - till date, Associate professor in VGU.
Teaching(Degree Courses) -
- Sociology-UGPT105
- Psychology- UGPT115
- BPT 209 - Sociology & Psychology
- BPT 410 - P.T. in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- BPT 402 - P.T. in Neurology
Research Interests -
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Nutrition,
Dermatology and Skin conditions
Journal Articles -
- A review of Emerging tools and techniques in
Physiotherapy published in International
Journal of Scientific Advances June 2022.
- A Review of Controversial Issues in Text neck
syndrome among young adults using smart
phones inordinately. Published Scopus,
PNR Journal February 2023.
- Sleep Less night to sleepless nights
(Physiotherapy a blessing) published in
WOS, Journal of Coastal Life Medicine,
February 2023.
- Relevance of Estrogen and Progesterone
Receptors in Determining Breast cancer
prognosis. (2024) International journal of
Chemical and Biochemical Sciences.
- Best Faculty Award at National Physiocon
- Star Faculty Award at Female Physio
Summit Femcon 2022.
- Outstanding Contribution in the field of
education At Vritika (Women’s day),
- Second Position in Oral Presentation
category Shodh Prayas 2023.
- Academic Eminence Award at national
Conference in Hanuman Garh 2023.
- Physio Icon award 2023 by Sehat Sathi
- Academic Excellence Senior award at
Impulse Sports Rehabicon 2024.