Additional Administrative Titles -
- Exam Coordinator for Faculty of Management
Academic Degrees -
- Ph.D. Degree awarded in Management in 2015, from Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwa Vidyalaya Satna, M.P.
- MBA (Major in Human Resource & Minor in Marketing) in year 2006, from Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Indore, M.P,
Academic Appointments -
- Associate Professor in Management Department in “Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
- Worked as a Head of Department, Assistant Professor in MBA Department,“Chandravati Group of Institution, Bharatpur (Rajasthan)”
- Worked as a Lecturer in Laxmi Devi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Alwar (Rajasthan).
Professional Experience - Worked as a HR Coordinator (Junior Level in HR Department) in “Bathline India Pvt. Ltd.” From Nov.2007 to June2008.
Research Interests -
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing Management
Publication's -
- Published paper titled as “A Comparative Study of Ancient and Modern Banking”. This paper was published in Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics (UGC Care Journal) ISSN 0975-802X, on page no. 10-16, Vol. : XXVII,No.6, 2023.
- Published paper titled as “EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF MID-DAY-MEAL SCHEME DURING COVID-19 SITUATION IN INDIA”. This paper was published in RABINDRA BHARTI JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY, ISSN: 0973-0087, Vol. XXIV, No.:02, 2023 WITH IF:6.986, UGC CARE Approved, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal.
- Published paper entitled is “Impingement of Stress on the career growth of retailers in retail industry”. This paper was published in Journal of Positive School Psychology (Scopus Index Journal), ISSN: 2717-7564, on page no. 4164 – 4170, 2022, Vol. 6, No. 2, March, 2022,,, .
- Published paper titled as “ORGANIZATION CULTURE CAPABILITIES: AN ESSENTIAL FACTOR OF MSME’S GROWTH”. This paper was published in Kanpur Philosophers: International Journal of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences (UGC Care Journal), ISSN: 2348-8301, on page no. 89-93, Vol VIII, Issue 11: 2021, JULY/2021, UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal by New Archaeological & Genealogical Society Kanpur India.
- Published paper titled as “E-Commerce Marketing Strategies In The Grocery Sector: An Introduction”. This paper was published in International Journal of Aquatic Science (UGC Care Journal), ISSN: 2008-8019, on page no. 517-523, Vol 12, Issue 03, 2021, JULY/2021,
- Published paper titled as “Competitive Advantages of E-Commerce Marketing In Delhi Industries”. This paper was published in International Journal of Aquatic Science (UGC Care Journal), ISSN: 2008-8019, on page no. 506-516, Vol 12, Issue 03, 2021, JULY/2021,
- Published paper titled as “E-COMMERCE MARKETING STRATEGIES IN THE GROCERY SECTOR: AN INTRODUCTION”. This paper was published in Mukt Shabd Journal (UGC Care Journal) & 4.6 Impact Factor, ISSN NO : 2347-3150, on page no. 225- 240, Volume X, Issue VII, JULY/2021,
- Published paper titled as “COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF E-COMMERCE MARKETING IN DELHI INDUSTRIES”. This paper was published in Mukt Shabd Journal (UGC Care Journal) & 4.6 Impact Factor, ISSN NO: 2347-3150, on page no. 209-217, Volume X, Issue VII, JULY/2021,
- Published paper titled as “Appraise of Strategic Human Resource Management in Wielding the Total Quality Management of An Industry for Prospective Enduringness in Current Business World”. This paper was published in Studies in Indian Place Names (UGC Care Journal) ISSN 2394-3114, on page no. 1200-1208, Vol. 40 Issue 10, February 2020, JTA Multidisciplinary International Conference (JTACON-2020) by Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India.
- Published paper titled as “Value of Motivation for the Faculty Position in Education Field”. This paper was published in “Khoj- An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research”, ISSN: 2349- 8749, on page no. 98-102, Volume 5; Number 2: 2019,,
- Moderating Role of Personality in Relationship to Financial Attitude, Financial Behaviour, Financial Knowledge and Financial Capability” in SCOPUS – Q2 journal named International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 17 issue 6, 1743-761X (Online)
- Published paper titled as “Social Psychology Begets an Era for Quality of Work Life of Employees in Industry”. This paper was published in “THINK INDIA JOURNAL” ( UGC Care Approved International Indexed and Referred Journal & 6.2 Impact Factor, ISSN: 0971-1260, on page no.760-774, Indexed with Crossref and DOI, Vol-22-Issue-10-November-2019.
Book's -
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “BASICS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT” ISBN: 978-81-961742-0-0, as per NEP Syllabus, First Edition: JULY, 2023, Mahaveer Publications – Dibrugarh, Assam-786001-(India).
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND MANGEMENT” ISBN: 978-81-961732-7-2, as per NEP Syllabus, First Edition: JULY, 2023, Mahaveer Publications – Dibrugarh, Assam-786001-(India).
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT” ISBN: 978-93-91064-87-7, as per CBCS Syllabus, First Edition: October, 2022, Mahaveer Publications – Dibrugarh, Assam-786001-(India).
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR” ISBN: 978-93-91064-98-3, as per CBCS Syllabus, First Edition: October, 2022, Mahaveer Publications – Dibrugarh, Assam-786001-(India).
- Published paper entitled is “Employee’s Satisfaction begets the Credibility of Entrepreneurship in Enterprises”. This paper was published in International Conference on Engineering Social Sciences and Management- Revised Selected Paper- 2022 (ICESSM-2022), Sri Balaji College of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, ISBN: 978-93-94840-01-0, on page no. 165-170, 21 May 2022,,,
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS” ISBN: 978-93-91064-72-3, as per CBCS Syllabus, First Edition: December, 2021, Mahaveer Publications – Dibrugarh, Assam-786001-(India).
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “Principles of MARKETING” ISBN: 978-93-91064-41-9, as per CBCS Syllabus, First Edition: September, 2021, Mahaveer Publications – Dibrugarh, Assam-786001-(India).
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT II” ISBN: 978-93-91064-49-5, as per CBCS Syllabus, First Edition: September, 2021, Mahaveer Publications – Dibrugarh, Assam-786001-(India).
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “Entrepreneurship” ISBN: 978-93-89904-67-3, as per CBCS Syllabus, First Edition: October, 2020, Mahaveer Publications – Dibrugarh, Assam-786001-(India).
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “Human Resource Management” ISBN: 978-93-89904-31-4, First Edition: August, 2020, as per CBCS syllabus, Mahaveer Publications – Dibrugarh, Assam-786001-(India).
- Dr. Vijayendra Kumar Shrivastava & Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra “Industrial Management & Entrepreneurship” ISBN 978-9389904-23-9-, First Edition: May, 2020, as per the syllabus prescribed by the Directorate of Technical Education, Mahaveer Publications–Dibrugarh, Assam786001-(India).