Additional Administrative Titles -
- Associate Dean (Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences)
Academic Degrees -
- M.Sc. (Mathematics)
- Ph.D. (Mathematics)
- NET JRF Dec1998 (Mathematical Sciences)
Academic Appointments -
- Presently working as Professor & Associate Dean, FBAS, VGU since 2019
- Professor & Head of Department (Mathematics), Vivekananda Global University 2016-2022
- Professor & Head of Department, Department of Mathematics, VIT East 2012-2016
- Associate Professor & Head of Department, Department of Mathematics, VIT East 2010 to 2012
Professional Experience -
- Kanoria Girls College 1997-2002.
- Banasthali Vidhyapeeth 2002-2008
- Poornima Institute of Engg & Tech 2008-2010
Research Interests -
- Applied Mathematics, Special Functions , Fractional Calculus , Operations Research and Graph Theory
Publications -
- A general probability distribution associated with a Class of polynomials , Bul. Cal. Math. Soc.(ISSN: 0008-0659) 1998,Vol.90, 211-222
- Some Double Convolution Integral equations, GanitaSandesh, (ISSN: 0970-9169) , 1998, Vol.12, 45-53
- The distribution of ratio of linear comb. and the ratio of product of independent random variables asso. with a class of polynomials Bul. Cal. Math. Soc.
- Unified Eulerian integrals and Fractional integral formulas , GanitaSandesh, (ISSN: 0970-9169) 1999,Vol.13,49-62
- Eulerian integral formulas and associated Fractional Integration , Tamkang J. of Mathematics(ISSN: 00492930), 2000, Vol.31, No.3,203-212
- A study of Multidimensional Fractional Integral operators & Genaralized Stieltjes Transform, Kyungpook Math. J.(ISSN:1225-6951) , 2000,Vol.40,115-124
- A study of double and n-fold convolutions integral equations , Indian Journal of Mathematics (0019-5324) , 2000, Vol.42,43-54
- N-Fractional Calculus of H-function of several variables, J. Rajasthan Acad. Phy. Sci (ISSN: 0972-6306) , 2004, Vol..3, 191-196
- A study of unified finite integrals, J. Rajasthan Acad. Phy. Sci (ISSN: 0972-6306) , Vol.10, No.3 (2011) ,255-268
- A Novel Approach of Speedy- Highly Secured Data Transmission using Cascading of PDLZW and Arithmetic Coding with Cryptography , International Journal of Computer Applications (ISSN: 0975-8887) , Volume 57- No. 19 (2012) , 1-7
- Applied Hybrid Cryptography in key pair generation of RSA implementation International Journal of Information , Communication and Computing Technology ( IJICCT), Vol 1, Issue 1 (January- June 2013).
- An efficient implementation of PKI architecture based Digital Signature using RSA and Various Hash functions ( MD 5 and SHA variants) , IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering , e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278-8727 , Volume 15-issue 6, 2013
- Analysis of Fingerprint Compression using SPIHT Technique, IJARCSSE, Issue 3 March 2014
- Analysis of Fingerprint Compression using SPIHT Technique, IJARCSSE, Issue 3 March 2014
- International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET), Vol 3 Issue 1 October 2013
- Traffic Congestion – A Challenging Problem in the World, International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics , Vol.2(2016), 153-160
- A Survey And Strengthening Of Erdos Gyarfas Conjecture , Advances In Mathematics, Issue 2, Pages 117-121, 2016
- Pushkarna Mahila Samman in the field of Education by Akhil Bhartiya Pustikar Seva Parishad Mahila Prakostha 20232
- ICONIC INTERNATIONAL AWARD , IAWA SDP IIWA AWARDS , Saraswati Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2021
- Pushkarna Mahila Samman by Purkarna Society, Jaipur 2019
- Dr. C. V. Raman Award For research Vivekananda Global University , Jaipur 2017
- Award for Excellence For research on Teachers day Vivekananda Institute of Technology East 2013
- Award for excellence for excellent result Poornima Group of Colleges , Jaipur 2008
Conferences, Talks & Speaking Engagements -
- Keynote Speaker in National Conference on Application of Basic Science and Communication in Engineering (NCASCE 2.0) on 30-31st May 2023
- Resource Person in Refresher course on Mathematical Insight into Real- World Problems (online) from 11.12.2023 to 23.12.2023 organised by UGC-Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) (Former Named HRDC), University of Rajasthan, Jaipur