Additional Administrative Titles -
- Member in NAAC Committee and Member in IQAC (Vedic Kanya PG College, Raja Park, Jaipur)
Academic Degrees -
- Ph.D. from Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan on the title “Green Chemical Approach to Synthesize New Functionalized Heterocycles of Biological Importance” in January, 2021.
- B.Ed. in 2022 from University of Rajasthan
- M.Sc. Chemistry (Specialization: Physical Chemistry) in 2011 from University of Rajasthan.
- M.Sc. Organic Chemistry in 2012 from University of Rajasthan.
- B.Sc. in 2009 from University of Rajasthan.
Academic Appointments -
- Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Vivekananda Global University, Jagatpura, Jaipur2022- present
- Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Vedic Kanya PG College, Rajapark, Jaipur, 2012-2022
- Shri Satya Sai College for Women, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur, 2014-2016(Guest Faculty)
Professional Experience -
Research Interests -
- SKinetics (Physical Chemistry) and Water Analysis (Environment)
Publications -
- P. Jakhar, S. Sharma, S. Dhadda, and H. Sharma, Recent Progress, Challenges, and Future Prospects in Solar H2 Evolution via Pure/Sea Water Splitting Using Nanocomposites as Photocatalysts under Solar Light, ChemistrySelect, 2023, 8(38). DOI
10.1002/slct.202301484 (IF: 2.307, SCOPUS, WOS, SCI).
- S. Dhadda, P. G. Goswami, K. Yadav, A. Guleria, D. K. Jangid, and C. L. Khandelwal, Green synthesis of 5-methylpyridinium derivatives by C2-functionalization of pyridine
1-oxide derivatives and their antibacterial activity, Indian J. Chem., Sect. B: Chem. Incl. Med. Chem., 2023, 62(3), 185-195. (IF: 0.456, SCI, UGC Care).
- S. Dhadda, S. Sharma, P. Jakhar, and H. Sharma, Contemporary progress in the green synthesis of spiro-thiazolidines and their medicinal significance: a review, RSC Adv.
2023, 13, 3723-3742. (IF: 4.036, SCOPUS, WOS, SCIE).
- K. Saini, A. K. Raigar, Manju, D. K. Jangid, J. Mathur, S. Dhadda, and A. Guleria, Tandem Protocol for the Synthesis of Pyrano[3,2-c]quinolone Derivatives Using Taurine as a Green Bio-Organic Catalyst in Aqueous Medium, J. Org. Chem., 2022. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.2c01403 (IF: 4.198, SCOPUS, WOS).
- S. Dhadda, S. Sharma, P. Jakhar, and H. Sharma, Recent Trends in Synthetic Strategies Using Magnetic Nanostructures as Green Catalysts in Synthesis of Pyran Analogues, Appl. Organomet. Chem., 2022. DOI: 10.1002/aoc.6915 (IF: 4.072, SCOPUS, WOS, SCI).
- N. Jangir, Poonam, S. Dhadda, and D. K. Jangid, Recent advances in the synthesis of five and six-membered heterocycles as bioactive skeleton: A concise overview, ChemistrySelect2022, 7. DOI: 10.1002/slct.202103139 (IF: 2.307, SCOPUS, WOS, SCI).
- S. Dhadda, A. K. Raigar, K. Saini, Manju, and A. Guleria, Benzothiazoles: From recent advances in green synthesis to anti-cancer potential, Sustainable Chem. Pharm., 2021
24(2). DOI: 10.1016/j.scp.2021.100521 (IF: 6, SCOPUS, SCI).
- P. G. Goswami, S. Dhadda, D. K. Jangid, A. Guleria, K. Yadav, and C. L. Khandelwal, TiO2 nanoparticles supported synthesis of acetoacetanilide derivatives in green reaction media, Res. J. Chem. Environ., 2021, 25(5), 128-134. (IF: 0.141, SCOPUS).
- K. Yadav, S. Dhadda, A. Guleria, P. G. Goswami, C. L. Khandelwal, and D. K. Jangid, Nano catalysed Biginelli type reaction in green reaction media, Indian J. Chem., Sect. B: Chem. Incl. Med. Chem., 2020, 59B, 102-109. (IF: 0.456, SCI, UGC Care).
- D. K. Jangid, S. Dhadda, P. G. Goswami, A. Guleria, K. Pareek, N. Jangir, and Poonam, Microwave-assisted nanocatalysed synthesis of phenacyl halides as future anti-platelet agents, ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4, 9348 –9353. (IF: 2.307, SCOPUS, WOS, SCI).
Books -
- B.Sc. III YR. Practical Chemistry ( English & Hindi) –
RBD Publication
- B.Tech. I YR. Engineering Chemistry- Genius Publication
- “Shiksha Shiromani Award” by Poddar Group of Institutions, Jaipur, Rajasthan on 2nd Feb. 2023. /li>
- “Star Global Teachers Award” by Jeewan Jagrati Foundation, Rajasthan on the occasion of Teachers Day 5th Sept. 2022.
- Gargi Award by Balika Shiksha Foundation, Gov. of Rajasthan for more than 75% marks in 10th standard.
- Recent advances in the synthesis of five- and six-membered heterocycles as bioactive
skeleton: A concise overview, Published in ChemistrySelect on behalf of Chemistry Europe received enough downloads to rank within the top 10% of papers published between 1st
January 2022 to 31st December 2022 upto 12 months.
Conferences, Talks & Speaking Engagements -
- She has attended & paper presented in 25+ International & National Conferences/FDPs.
- Invited for Guest Lecture in the National Conference on “Impact of COVID-19 on: Health, Education and Economy (February, 2023)