Additional Administrative Titles -
Academic Degrees -
- PhD Environmental and Molecular Microbiology, Rajasthan University
- M.Sc. Zoology, Vikram University
- B.Sc. , Vikram University
Academic Appointments -
- Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Science,
Vivekananda Global University
- Vice Principal, Angran College, Ghat gate, Jaipur
Professional Experience - 20 years
Research Interests -
Publication -
- Augmentation of biodegradability of bacterial isolates by utilizing agricultural fertilizers and their comparative analysis’. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci4(2), pp.233-235 (2015)
- ‘Bioaugumentation Efficiency of Microbial
Bacteria and Strategy for Its Recovery through
Addition of NPK Fertilizers and the Study of
Its Morphology’. International Journal of
Applied Sciences and Biotechnology4(2),
pp.233-235 (2016)
- ‘Evaluation of Physico Chemical
Properties’ Life Sciences
International Research Journal,
ISSN, pp.2347-8691
- ‘Impact of bacterial consortia on
biodegradation of petroleum in the
contaminatedsoils’. J. nat. prod. Plant res.7(4),
pp. 45-58 (2017)
- ‘Screening and Identification of Diesel Oil
Degrading Bacterial Isolates from Petroleum
Contaminated soil of Barmer’. Journal of
Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological
Sciences. Vol 6(1): pp.34-40
- ‘Genetic Profiling of Short Tandem
Repeat (STR) in forensic science to
Crackdown complex cases of sexual
abuses. Advance in Bioresearch.
- ‘Parental Hormone Helped to Grow the Rapist
Mind’. Volume 9 Issue 8, pp. 1442 – 1446
- COVID 19 pandemic: Its impact on forensics
and new normal practice, GSC Biological and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, GSC Biological and
Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021.
- Forensic Tools and Techniques of Absolute
Human Identification: Physical and Molecular
Approach, Journal of Forensic Sciences &
Criminal Investigation, 2021.
- An overview on Underutilized wild edible
plants as a source of alternative nutrition,
International Journal of Innovative Research in
Computer Science & Technology, 2021.
- Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistant and Metal
Tolerances Capability of Petroleum
(hydrocarbon) Degrading Bacteria, Materials
Science and Engineering, 1224, 2022.
- Research Paper : A systemic
review on AMELY deletion at
Yp11.2 locus and its
implication in forensics -
International Journal of
Dynamic Educational Research
Society Oct-Dec-2022
- Research Paper:
Characterization and Forensic
Significance of X-STRs in
Mutated Autosomal STR
Markers of Paternity Cases-
International Journal of
Forensic Science Volume 6
Number 1, January–June 2023
- Book: Madanlowry,
Bioremediation of
hydrocarbon contaminated
soilthrough microbal
FDP on Integrating Technology to
Teaching & Learning Pedagogy by AIU
Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur.
FDP on Current Trends in Forensic
Science Education & Career Goals by
Amity University, U.P From 18 – 26Dec
FDP on Incorporating Indian Knowledge
System in Higher Education by AIU
Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur
from 4 th – 13 Dec 2023.
- Reg. No. L-124654/2023Copyright, Indian Patent
Office New Delhi
- Reg. No. L-130107/2023 Copyright, Indian
Patent Office New Delhi
Tussar silk brush as a novel tool for
enhancing latent fingerprint development:
unveiling the hidden clues with natural
- Reg. No. L-142948/2024 Copyright, Indian
Patent Office New Delhi
EggoTrace: Revolutionary Latent Fingerprint
Development Powder from discarded egg shells
- Reg. No. L-145360/2024 Copyright, Indian
Patent Office New Delhi
Examining the impact of Environmental
Variables on DNA Extraction Efficiency in
Forensic Blood Samples