Academic Degrees -
- PhD, Mathematics, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, 2023.
- M.Sc., Mathematics, St. Wilfried P.G. college, Jaipur, 2011.
- B.Sc., Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, Seth Motilal P.G. college, Jhunjhunu, 2009.
Academic Appointments -
- Assistant Professor, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, July 2023-present
- Assistant Professor, Agarwal P.G. College, Jaipur, 2021-2022
- Assistant Professor, Agarwal P.G. College, Jaipur, 2013-2020
Teaching(Degree Courses) -
- Pure Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics
Research Interests -
- Fractional calculus & mathematical modeling
- Geometric function theory
Journal Articles -
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “ Smart Agriculture System Using IOT, Shodh Drishti , A UGC Care Peer Reveiwed Journal, Feb 2023 , 0976-6650.
- A hybrid approach for non-linear fractional
Newell-Whitehead-Segel model, Ain Shams
Engineering Journal, (2024), 102645. (SCIE
and Scopus Indexed).
- Homotopy decomposition method to analysis
fractional hepatitis B virus infection model,
Applied Mathematics in Science and
Engineering, 30(1), (2023). (SCIE and Scopus
- A novel approach to find the analytical solution
of (2+1)-dimensional physical models,
International Journal of Applied and
Computational Mathematics, 9, 96, (2023).
(Scopus Indexed).
- Analytical approach to study weakly nonlocal
fractional Schroodinger equation via novel
transform, International Journal of Dynamics
and Control, 12(1), (2023), 1-12. (Scopus
- Time-fractional partial differential equations: a
novel technique for analytical and numerical
solutions, Arab Journal of Basic and Applied
Sciences, 29(1), (2022), 86-98. (Scopus
- Two analytical approach for space and time
fractinal coupled Burger's equations via Elzaki
transform, Progress in Fractional
Differentiation and Applications, 8(1), (2022),
177-190. (Scopus Indexed).
Conferences, Talks & Speaking Engagements -
- International Conference on Fractional
Calculus: Theory, Applications and Numerics
(ICFCTAN 2023), January 27-29, 2023,
National Institute of Technology Puducherry,
Karaikal, India.
- International Conference on Data Modeling,
Applications and their Security Challenges
(COMPUTATIA-XI), December 7-8, 2023,
Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur,