Additional Administrative Titles -
- Departmental Research Coordinator
Academic Degrees -
- PhD, Industrial Engineering, Career Point University, Kota 2023
- M.Tech, Manufacturing System Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, 2010
- B.E., Govt. Engineering College Kota (Now UCE, RTU), University of Rajasthan, 2008
Academic Appointments-
- Assistant Professor, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, 2023-present
- Lecturer, Assosa University, Ethiopia (East Africa), 2017-2023
- Assistant Professor, Mody University, Lakshmangarh, Sikar India 2011-2017
- Assistant Professor, Sangam University, Bhiwara, India, 2010-2011
Journal Articles -
- Mukesh Kumar, Atul Kumar, Vikrant Sharma, “Green Manufacturing Practices: A Bibliometric and Thematic Analysis”, International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management, INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Geneva SWITZERLAND. (Accepted for publication
- Mukesh Kumar, Rahul Jain, Vikrant Sharma, M L Meena, “Modelling of Green Manufacturing Enablers using Integrated MCDM Approach for Ethiopian Manufacturing Industry”, Materials Today: Proceedings, DOI-, ELSEVIER PUBLICATION. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Mukesh Kumar, Atul Kumar, Vikrant Sharma, “The Effect of Green Manufacturing Practices on Green Achievement in the Ethiopian Manufacturing Industry: A Structural Equation Modeling Study”, Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, DOI-, Springer Nature Switzerland Publisher, (Scopus Indexed Q-2, ESCI Indexed and UGC CARE))
- Mukesh Kumar, Atul Kumar, Vikrant Sharma, “Study of Green Manufacturing Practices through Survey-Ordinal Regression Analysis and Development of Theoretical Framework for Ethiopian Manufacturing Industries”, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, DOI: 10.1504/IJMOR.2022.10048538, INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Geneva SWITZERLAND. (Scopus Indexed Q-3, UGC CARE)
- Kumar, M., Jain, R., & Sharma, V. (2022), “Green Manufacturing Implementation Framework for Ethiopian Manufacturing Industry”. International Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2022, pp. 1-5. DOI-
Books -
- Mukesh Kumar, Vikrant Sharma, Atul Kumar, N. S. Baruaole, “Engineering Mechanics: Statics”, ISBN: 978-81-8487-608-6, No. of pages: 292, NAROSA PUBLISHING HOUSE, Year: 2018.
Conferences, Talks & Session Chair -
- Delivered a Keynote Lecture on "Emerging Aerospace Technology Trends & Innovation Prospectus in 2023", International Conference (Hybrid Mode) on “New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development (ICAE-2023)”, Organized by The Institution of Engineers (India) Rajasthan State Center, Jaipur (Aerospace Engineering Division Board) In Collaboration with Department of Mechanical Engineering Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur, INDIA (7-9 April 2023)
- Session Chair in “International Conference on Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Application (ICARIMA-2022)” jointly organised by the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, University of Mauritius (UoM) and MNIT, Jaipur, India during October 13-14, 2022 at Mauritius.
Paper Presented at National/International Conferences -
- Paper presented the paper titled “Modelling of Green Manufacturing Enablers using Integrated MCDM Approach for Ethiopian Manufacturing Industry”. International Conference on Advanced Research in Industrial & Manufacturing Applications (13-14 October 2022), Mauritius University, Mauritius.
- Paper presented the paper titled “Green Manufacturing Implementation Framework for Ethiopian Manufacturing Industry” in International Conference on Adavanced Technology, Sustainability and Management (IATSM-2022) in Sushant University, Gurugram, Haryana on July 28-29, 2022.
- Paper presented the paper titled “Bibliometric and Thematic Analysis of Green Manufacturing Practices” in International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical an Industrial Engineering ICRAMIE 2022 in University College of Engineering, Banswara, Raj., India on March 15, 2022.
- Paper present in National conference “CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, in RIET, Jaipur.
Patent -
- “System for controlling various crop harvest activities using Big Data Analytics based Machine Learning and IOT”. (Ref. No. 202141025104). Published on 16-07-2021.
Journal Reviewer -
- I am the reviewer of “International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking”, INDERSCIENCE Publisher.
Teaching -
- Engineering Mechanics
- Strength of Material (MOS)
- Engineering Materials I & II
- Non-Traditional Manufacturin
- Engineering Graphics
- Machine Drawing
- Basic Manufacturing Process
- Production Technology I & II
- Operation Research
- Material Handling Equipment
- Production Management
- Operation Management
- Quality Control
- Supply Chain Management
- Work System and Design
Membership -
- Associate Member of “Institution of Engineering”, Membership No.- AM1430559.