Additional Administrative Titles -
Academic Degrees -
- B.Tech. From RTU Kota
- M.Tech. from JNU Jodhpur
- Ph.D. from MNIT Jaipur.
Research Interests -
- Thermal Engineering, Material Science, Nanofluid, Nuclear Severe Accident Management
Journal Articles -
- “Effect of collective parameters green hydrogen production using corn cob and assessment of performance, combustion and emission characteristics in agriculture diesel engine” in Environment, Development and Sustainability (Springer Nature), February 2024(SCIE).
- Amrut S Aher, Vijay Kumar Pandey “Insight on the Effect of Nanoparticles addition in Oil Lubrication: A Review” Tribology in Industry, 2023 (Scopus).
- Shrikant Verma, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, Arun K Nayak, Upender Pandel, “Morphological analysis of debris obtained from melt coolability experiment using CaO-B2O3 corium simulant”, International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology,2022, pp.44-55 (Scopus).
- Parimal P Kulkarni, Arun K Nayak, Upender Pandel, Rajendra K Duchaniya, “Effect of Nozzle Diameter on Quenching Behavior of Simulant Material CaO-Fe2O3 Under Bottom Flooding Conditions”, Nuclear Technology, June 2022, pp. 1-13 (SCI).
- A Study of Continuous Variable Transmission, Integrated Emerging Methods of Artificial Intelligence & Cloud Computing (Springer), 2022, pp. 277-84 (Scopus).
- Sunil K Jatav, Upender Pandel, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, “Influence of temperature on thermophysical properties of Non-prototype material (CaO-Fe2O3; 21:79 by wt. %)”, Indian journal of engineering and materials sciences (IJEMS) Vol. 28, April 2021, pp. 165-173 (SCI).
- Sunil Jatav, U.Pandel, R.K.Duchaniya “Experimental investigation of quenching behavior of simulant material CaO-Fe2O3 under bottom flooding with the effect of melt volume” Nuclear Engineering and Design 367 (2020) 110784, (SCI).
- Sunil Jatav, R.K.Duchaniya, U.Pandel, “Microstructural Analysis of CaO-Fe2O3 Heat Treated at Different” IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1455 (2020) 012031, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1455/1/012031 (Scopus).
Conferences, Talks & Speaking Engagements -
- Delivered Keynote address in ICFEI-III (8-9th April, 2022) at INVERTIS University Bareilly.
- Invited as an Evaluator/Reviewer in Technovation 2021 (21-22nd Jan, 2022) at Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
- Working as a reviewer in reputed journals
Paper Presented in National/International Conferences-
- Presented a paper titled “Optimization of thermophysical properties and parameters in application of CaO-Fe2O3 as a simulant material” in the RTESD-2023 (3rd International conference) held at VGU Jaipur during 22-24 December 2023.
- Presented a paper titled “A Brief Review on Heat Transfer Analysis in Melt Coolabilility through Different Strategies Using Simulant Materials” in the TEQIP III sponsored 1st Online National Conference on Recent Trends in Thermal Sciences and Alternate Energy Resources (RTTASER 2020).
- Presented a paper titled “Behavior of thermophysical properties of heat treated CaO-Fe2O3 at different temperature” at 1st International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICAMEN 2019) Manipal University Jaipur.
Seminar Workshop Conducted/attended/Participated/Short-term Courses-
- Attended One Week Short Term Training Programme on “Emerging Sustainability through Renewable Energy system” held from 18/3/2024 to 22/3/2024 organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur, India.
- Attended One Week Short Term Training Programme on “IC Engine Testing and Simulation” held from 10/10/2023 to 14/10/2023 organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur, India.
- Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) academy online FDP on “Computational Fluid Dynamics – A Potential Engineering Design Tool” from 26-7-2021 to 30-7-2021 held at NIT Andhra Pradesh.
- Wearable Chest Compression Device (Patent No. 202111047780).
- Smart Footwear Storage Device (Patent No. 202211001960)
- Lifetime membership of ISTE.
- Lifetime membership of The Institute of Engineers (India).
- Lifetime membership of IEANG.
- Associate member of ISDS Society Japan.
- Member of Global Illuminators.