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Kumud Kant Awasthi

Kumud Kant Awasthi



Dr. Kumud Kant Awasthi has worked at the National Institute of Animal Welfare (NIAW), MoEF&CC, GoI. He authored / edited books in his field; got copyright; German and Indian patents for the innovative works. Dr Awasthi was the only scientist from India who was invited to participate in the “World academics to debate the ethics of fur” at Oxford in 2017. Dr. Awasthi remains actively engaged in research activities, serving as a member of editorial boards and a reviewer for various scientific journals including Springer and Elsevier.

Additional Administrative Titles -

  • Director, Apni Prayogshala Pvt Ltd. Jaipur
  • Member, Institute Animal Ethics Committees, by CPCSEA, Govt of India
  • Team Leader, Environment Auditor Program, by RSPCB, Govt of Rajasthan
  • Chief Editor, KHOJ: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research at VGU Jaipur, ISSN: 2349-874

Academic Degrees -

  • PhD, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 2014
  • M.Sc University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 2009
  • B.Sc CSJM University, Kanpur 2002

Academic Appointments -

  • Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur (Date of Joining 02-07-2018)
  • Training In-charge, National Institute of Animal Welfare (NIAW), MoEF&CC, Govt of India
  • Program Manager, Animal Welfare Courses, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi
  • Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Lal Bahadur Shastri P.G. College, Jaipur.

Professional Experience -

  • 15 Years Research & Teaching Experience

    Research Interests -

    • Nanomaterials for their biological applications
    • Biomaterials, Biosensors and Heavy metal toxicity
    • In vivo & in Vitro Toxicology
    • ROS Generation & DNA Damage
    • Development of Latent Fingerprinting

    Publications -

    • Awasthi KK, John PJ, Awasthi A, Awasthi K (2013) Multi walled carbon nano tubes induced hepatotoxicity in Swiss albino mice. Micron 44:359-364.
    • Awasthi KK, Awasthi A, Kamakshi, Bhoot N, John PJ, Sharma SK, Awasthi K (2013) Antimicrobial properties of electro-chemically stabilized organo-metallic thin films. Advanced Electrochemistry 1:42-47.
    • Awasthi KK, Awasthi A, Kumar N, Roy P, Awasthi K, John PJ (2013) Silver nanoparticle induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress and DNA damage in CHO cells. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15(9):1898.
    • Verma R, Awasthi KK, Soni I, John PJ (2013) Evaluation of Cytogenetic Effects of β-Cyfluthrin in Swiss Albino Mice. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 2(6):30-40
    • Awasthi KK, Verma R, Awasthi A, Awasthi K, Soni I and John PJ (2015) In vivo genotoxic assessment of silver nanoparticles in liver cells of Swiss albino mice using comet assay. Advanced Material Letters 6(3):187-193.
    • Awasthi A, Dube A, Kumari Y, Jangir LK, Awasthi KK, Awasthi K (2015) Toxicological evaluation of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Bacterial cell. Macromolecular Symposia 357:235-240.
    • Awasthi KK, Awasthi A, Verma R, Awasthi K, Soni I, John PJ (2015) Silver nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes induced DNA damage in mice evaluated by single cell gel electrophoresis. Macromolecular Symposia 357:210-217.
    • Awasthi KK, Verma R, Awasthi A, Kumar N, Roy P, Awasthi K, Soni I and John PJ (2015) Silver nanoparticle -induced apoptosis, genotoxicity and oxidative stress in CHO cells. RSC Advances 5-34927-34935.
    • Verma R, Rajawat NK, Syed F, Awasthi KK, Soni I, John PJ (2016) β-cyfluthrin induced DNA damage and behavioural changes in Swiss albino mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology 97:168-176.
    • Nirmal NK, Awasthi KK, John PJ (2017) Effects of hydroxyl-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes on sperm health and testes of Wistar rats. Toxicology and Industrial Health 33 (6), 519-529
    • Nirmal NK, Awasthi KK, John PJ (2017) Effects of Nano‐Graphene Oxide on Testis, Epididymis and Fertility of Wistar Rats. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 121 (3), 202-210
    • Mishra SS, Awasthi KK, Soni I, Guthecha VK (2017) Comparative Subacute Toxicity Study of an Ayurvedic Formulation Hartal (Orpiment) and Rasa Manikya (Processed Product of Hartal) in Albino Mice. International Journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical Research, 8 (3): 292-303.
    • Awasthi A, Bansal S, Jangir LK, Awasthi G, Awasthi KK, Awasthi K (2017) Effect of ZnO Nanoparticles on Germination of Triticum aestivum Seeds Macromolecular Symposia 376 (1) 1700043
    • Syed F, Awasthi KK, Chandravanshi L, Verma R, Rajawat N, Khanna V, Soni I (2018) Bifenthrin induced neurotoxicity in rats: Involvement of oxidative stress. Toxicology Research. 7 (1), 48-58
    • KK Awasthi, (2019) Significance of Biotechnology in Agriculture: A Review Article, The International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 6 (3), 579-582
    • KK Awasthi (2019) Significance of Biotechnology in Agriculture: A Review Article, JETIR 6 (3), 579-582
    • A Awasthi, P Sharma, L Jangir, G Awasthi, KK Awasthi, K Awasthi (2020) Dose dependent enhanced antibacterial effects and reduced biofilm activity against Bacillus subtilis in presence of ZnO nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering: C 113, 111021
    • G Awasthi, Y Tiwari, T Singh, A Awasthi, S Srivastav RD Tripathi KK Awasthi (2020) Quality Improvement of Reverse Osmosis Waste Water through Plant-Based Techniques: A Mini-Review. International Journal of Plant and Environment 6 (02), 156-161
    • GS Verma, NK Nirmal, KK Awasthi, PJ John (2020) Effects of hydroxyl functionalized multi walled carbon nanotubes on histology of various organs in Wistar rats, IISUniv.J.Sc.Tech 9 (1), 33-37
    • KK Awasthi (2020) Research ethics for laboratory animals: Scientific validity and the guidelines, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Research (IJPMR)
    • G Awasthi, T Singh, Y Tiwari, A Awasthi, RD Tripathi, S Shrivastava, KK Awasthi (2020) A review on nanotechnological interventions for plant growth and production Materials Today: Proceedings 31, 685-693
    • SS Rajput, H Mohan, E Jadhav, SS Sonone, V Nagar, A Singh, KK Awasthi (2021) Therapeutic potential of scorpion venom in cancer treatment as anticancer agent: A review, Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 38 (2), 105-117
    • Nirmal, N.K., Awasthi, K.K. & John, P.J. (2021) Hepatotoxicity of graphene oxide in Wistar rats. Environ Sci Pollut Res 28, 46367-46376
    • PP Pandit, RL Chopade, V Nagar, V Aseri, RK Verma, A Singh, KK Awasthi (2021) Utilization of medullary index for original dog breed identification in forensic perspective, Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 38 (2), 81-89
    • R Verma, NK Rajawat, KK Awasthi, F Syed, PJ John, I Soni (2021) ROS dependent neurotoxicity, genotoxicity & histopathological alterations triggered by β-cyfluthrin, a synthetic pyrethroid. Materials Today: Proceedings 42, 1737-1743
    • Sharma N, Srivastava S, Shrivastava R, Awasthi KK (2021) Synthesis and spectral studies of lanthanide metal tetraaza macrocyclic complexes. Materials Today: Proceedings 42, 1760-1765
    • NK Nirmal, KK Awasthi, PJ John (2021) Hepatotoxicity of hydroxyl-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes in Wistar rats, Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 10 (5), 266-272
    • KK Awasthi (2021) Pyrolysis of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) For Biofuel Production: An Analysis of the Impacts of MSW Components and Catalysts, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science 9(3) 130-137
    • KK Awasthi (2021) An Overview of Genetic Algorithm Applied to Control Engineering Problem, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science 9(5) 62-66.
    • S Chhimpa, KK Awasthi, CS Yadav, G Awasthi, S Sharma, H Pareek (2021) Uses of the antiviral potential of medicinal plants and their derivatives or products in prevention and treatment of COVID-19, Gorteria 34 (4) 115-122
    Books -
    • Editor, Friction Ridge Analysis - Applications of Nanoparticles for Latent Fingerprint (Springer)
    • Editor, Nanoparticles in Fingerprinting: Advanced Method for Development of Latent Fingerprints by Apple Academic Press by CRC Taylor & Francis group)
    • Guest Editor, Special issue in Forensic Science International: Animals & Environment (Elsevier)
    • Guest Editor of Special Issues in Environment Science and Pollution Research (Springer)
    • Guest Editor of Special Issues in Materials Today proceedings (Elsevier)
    • Editor, Course Module for P.G. Diploma on Animal Welfare IGNOU, Delhi.
    • Editor of RTESD 2019 Proceeding (Scientific Publisher) ISBN: 978-93-89412-36-9
    • Editor, EnvTox 2021, Proceeding International, Special Issue 3(6), 2021, (ISSN 2668-6384)
    • Editor, Arsenic Toxicity: Effect on Human Health, ISBN 978-93-83805-17-4
    • Editor, Environmental Toxicology: Pollutants and Health Impacts, ISBN 978-93-83805-16-7
    • Editor, Recent Trends in Forensic Science, ISBN 978-93-83805-20-4
    • Editor, Bioremediation of Environmental Toxicants (CRC Press by Taylor & Francis group)

    • Awarded student research project from DST, Govt. of Rajasthan. 2010.
    • Full Travel Grant from DBT, Govt. of India to attend International Conference in Singapore 2013.
    • Post-doctoral Passport from Science Direct 2014, 2015.
    • Nominated for Bharat Gaurav Award by an International Society 2016.
    • Best Paper Presentation Award 2016.
    • Appreciation certificate by group of CPCSEA Nominees for Organization of Courses 2016
    • Government Nominee by CPCSEA, MoEF&CC, Govt. of India. 2016
    • Member, Sectional Committee, Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) 2017
    • Course coordinator, Animal Welfare Programme, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi. 2017
    • Invited to deliver talk at Oxford center for Animal ethics, Oxford UK 2017
    • Chaired a session in an international conference FAC Con at CSJM University Kanpur 2017/li>
    • Dr. C V Raman Award at PANACHE XII, VGU Jaipur 2020
    • Research Excellency Award in Forensic Nanotechnology, NCFI Legal Desire 2022

    Conferences, Talks & Speaking Engagements -

    • Oxford center for Animal ethics, Oxford UK 2017
    • International conference FAC Con at CSJM University Kanpur 2017
    • International Conference on Environmental Awareness, Protection and New Challenges, at St Wilfred’s College Jaipur 2017
    • Refresher Course in Banasthali Vidhyapeeth, Banasthali Rajasthan 2018
    • National e- Conference on “An Alternatives to Animal Testing’s: Replacement, Reduction, Refinement, Rehabilitation, Reuse, and Recreation (6 Rs) Strategies to Address Current Scenario” HP 2020
    • Summer internship lectures on Genetics & Molecular Biology organized by NIAS & ISLS 2021
    • Ecosystem Restoration on world Environment Day at SAGE university Indore 2021
    • International Multidisciplinary Conference “Law and Forensic Science: A Global Challenge, organized by Bio Forensic Research Center Italy & Manipal University, Jaipur 2022
    • International Conference on Emerging trends in Environmental Sustainability, Agrawal PG College Jaipur, 2023.
    • International Conference on Nanomaterials in Biology, IIT Gandhinagar Gujrat 2023.