Additional Administrative Titles -
- HOD, CSA & MCA Coordinator
Academic Degrees -
- PhD (Awarded 2022) in Computer Science from Jaipur National University. Thesis Topic: Big Data Analytics for Student success in Higher Education.
- MBA (2016) in Operational Management, Jaipur National University, Jaipur.
- MCA (2015), Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.
- PGDCA (2011), Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.
- Oracle Database 10g (2014), Oracle University, USA.
- CIC (2003), Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.
- DIT (1998), APTECH Jamshedpur, Jharkhand.
- UG (1996) Ranchi University, Ranchi.
- Higher Secondary (1991), BIEC Patna.
- Secondary (1988), BSEB, Patna.
Academic Appointments -
- Working as HOD, CSA in VGU, and Jaipur from 08.08.23 to continue…….
- Working as Associate Professor, CSA in VGU Jaipur from 17th July 2023 to continue…..
- Worked as Associate Professor & HOD, CSE in Sanskriti University, Mathura from 07.10.2022 from 15.07.23.
- Assistant Professor & HOD (February 2017 to October 2022) BCA Deptt., Mahila College Chaibasa(Govt. College), Kolhan University Chaibasa.
- Worked as Computer Teacher (Visiting Faculty), PG Departments of Kolhan University Chaibasa (Govt. University)from 06.02.2018 to April 2018.
- Worked as Visiting Faculty B.Sc(IT) in Mrs. KMPM Vocational College, Jamshedpur from July 2016- January2017.
- Worked as Faculty BCA( Computer Application) Vocational Course in LBSM College, Jamshedpur(Govt. College) from Session 2007-08 to 2015-16.
- Worked as Faculty , Intermediate Computer Science in LBSM College, Jamshedpur, A Govt. College (Constituent unit of Kolhan University, Chaibasa) from session 2003 to 2017.
Professional /Administrative Experience -
- IQAC Coordinator & NAAC Core Committee Member, Mahila College, Chaibasa (KOLHAN UNIVERSITY, CHAIBASA), JHARKHAND , A state Govt. University. Period: - 07.12.2017 to 26.02.18 & 31.07.19 to 05.10.22.
- All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE), Coordinator, Mahila College, Chaibasa (KOLHAN UNIVERSITY, CHAIBASA) JHARKHAND a state Govt. University. Period: - 23.11.2017 to 05.10.22.
- Nodal Officer, NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework) of Mahila College Chaibasa (KOLHAN UNIVERSITY, CHAIBASA) JHARKHAND, a state Govt. University from 03.12.2021 to 05.10.22.
- Member of Committee for preparation of IDP (Institutional Development Plan) of Kolhan University Chaibasa( State Govt. University) under RUSA from 19.10.2019 to 05.10.22
- R & D Coordinator, Department of CSA, Vivekanand Global University, Jaipur.
- Placement Officer, Mahila College, Chaibasa Period:-07.12.2017 to 05.10.22.
- Technical Manager, Virtual Class Room, Kolhan University Chaibasa Main Campus, Period from 06.05.17 & 17.09.2018 to 07.03.20.
- Convener, EXCEL (TISS) Program in Mahila College Chaibasa Period- 02.02.18 to 07.03.2020.
- In charge, Language Lab, Kolhan University Main Campus, Period from 27.06.2019 to 07.03.2020.
- Trainer, Cloud Based Digital Class Room, Kolhan University Chaibasa, Period from 07.05.2019 to 07.03.2020.
- Representative on behalf of DSW, Kolhan University Chaibasa to attend the meeting with Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Ranchi University on 18.12.2019.
- Team Manager, Kolhan University Chaibasa Team, Glory Youth Festival, Puri (Odisha) from 09.01.2020 to 13.01.2020.
- Member of Committee, Kolhan University Chaibasa regarding Syllabus and Regulations of introduce PGDCA course in Kolhan University Chaibasa.
Teaching(Degree Courses) -
- Programming in C
- Programming in C++
- Programming in Java
- Big Data Analytics
- Blockchain
- Computer System Organization
Research Interests -
- Big Data Analytics
- Blockchain
- Data Mining & Warehousing
Publications -
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “ Smart Agriculture System Using IOT, Shodh Drishti , A UGC Care Peer Reveiwed Journal, Feb 2023 , 0976-6650.
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “ Analytical Study on Enabling Artificial Intelligence for Securityin IOT” (Paper Submitted), March 2023, SCOPUS Indexed.
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “ Classifications of Retina OCT Scan Images” (Paper Submitted), July 2023, SCOPUS Indexed.
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “ YouTube Data Analysis using Hadoop” (Paper Submitted), July 2023, SCOPUS Indexed.
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “Heart Attack Prediction Model Using Machine Learning Techniques” (Paper Communicated), ELSEVIER,0933-36571873-2860.
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “The Improvement of Quality and quantity in Agricultural Production by using AI”, COMUTATIA XI International Conference 07-08 December 2023 .
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “Solve the Driving Problem with a genetic Algorithm”, COMUTATIA XI International Conference 07-08 December 2023.
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “ FTTX Network Design Architectures” IRJMETS(Peer Reviewed),September 2023 ISSN No- 2582-5208.
Conferences -
- 4th International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP) 2022, “ Data Science & Machine Learning”, Raipur India, 12th March 2022- 14th March 2022.
- 2023 IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Computation, “ Analytical Study on Enabling Artificial Intelligence for Security in IOT”, Christ School of Engineering & Technology, Bangalore. 21st April 2023 to 23rd April 2023.
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “ The Improvement of Quality and quantity in Agricultural Production by using AI”, COMUTATIA XI International Conference 07-08 December 2023 .
- Sinha, Sanjay Kumar “ Solve the Driving Problem with a genetic Algorithm”, COMUTATIA XI International Conference 07-08 December 2023 .
Book Chapters -
- “Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT”, Book Name: Currents Trends in Computer Science and its Applications ,INSPIRA JAIPUR, 978-93-91932-38-1, July 2023
- “Water Monitoring Management System Based on IOT & SCADA , Book Name: Currents Trends in Computer Science and its Applications ,INSPIRA JAIPUR, 978-93-91932-38-1, July 2023.
Conferences, Talks & Speaking Engagements -
- Participated One Week Faculty FDP on “Artificial Intelligence for Smart Agriculture” from 24 June 2023 to 30th June 2023, organized by IQAC, Sanskriti University, Mathura & Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi.
- Participated 14 Days Online FDP on “Research Methodology and Statistical Tools” from 01st June 2023 to 14th June 2023, organized by IQAC, Sanskriti University, Mathura.
- Participated 5 Days Online Short Term Course on “Artificial Intelligence and IoT in Bio-Medical Engineering” from 02nd May 2022 to 06th May 2022, organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIIT Bhagalpur, Bihar.
- Participated 5 Days Online Short Term Course on “Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Healthcare” from 03rd May 2022 to 07th May 2022, organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIIT Bhagalpur, Bihar.
- Participated One Day Conclave on “Reforms in Indian Education System through NEP-2020” on 08th July 2022 Organized by RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Jamshedpur Collaboration with Jharkhand University of Technology, Ranchi in the gracious presence of his Excellency the Hon’ble Governor of the state of Jharkhand.
- Participated Two days Online National Workshop “ NAAC ‘s Framework for Accreditation & Assessment : An Endeavour towards achieving excellence for HEIs” from 23.12.2022 to 24.12.2022 by Srusti Academy of management, Bhubaneswar & NAAC, Bangalore.
Certifications -
- Oracle Database 10g from Oracle University, U.S.A
- Introduction to Machine Learning from NPTEL
- Big Data Computing from NPTEL