Additional Administrative Titles -
Academic Degrees -
- M.Tech, Industrial Engineering and Management, NIT Trichy , 2013
- B.E., M.B.M Engineering College , Jodhpur, 2009
Academic Appointments-
- Assistant Professor, Vivekanada Global University, Jaipur, 2015-present.
- Assistant Professor, Dr. K.N Modi University, Nawai, Rajsthan India 2013-2015.
Research Interests -
- Operation Research, Operation Management, Industrial Engineering & Theory of Machine.
Journal Articles -
- M K, G. K. Kantak and B. Wadhwa, "Waste-to-Energy: Reviewing Gasification of Municipal Solid Waste," 2023 International Conference on Power Energy, Environment & Intelligent Control (PEEIC), Greater Noida, India, 2023, pp. 1213-1217, doi: 10.1109/PEEIC59336.2023.10451061.
- Waddah Mohamedosman Elyass, Vishal Sharma, Ganesh Kantak and MohdMukhtarAlam”, Performance Investigation of Wire EDM Process Parameters DOI :10.1088/1757-899X/1224/1/012001 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1224, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical and Automation Engineering (ICRAMAE-2021) 29/11/2021 - 30/11/2021 India
- G. K. Kantak, N. Sharma and S. MP, "Circular Design for Electronic Waste Reduction," 2023 International Conference on Power Energy, Environment & Intelligent Control (PEEIC), Greater Noida,India,2023,pp.1338-1343, doi: 10.1109/PEEIC59336.2023.10451549.
- Singla, D. K, M. K., G. K. Kantak, A. P. Singh and A. Rajesh, "Improving Real-Time Data Analysis Accuracy with Machine Learning Tools," 2023 3rd International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON), Bangalore, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SMARTGENCON60755.2023.10442981.
- S. Saini and G. Kantak, "The elegant over clocking model with plastic thermal interface under the processor card to speed up the processor," 2022 International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability (IIHC), Bengaluru, India, 2022, pp. 467-471, doi: 10.1109/IIHC55949.2022.10060152.
Paper Presented in National/International Conferences-
- Paper presented the paper titled “Performance Investigation of Wire EDM Process Parameters” International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical and Automation Engineering (ICRAMAE-2021) 29/11/2021 - 30/11/2021 India.
- Paper presented the paper titled “Evaluation of Surface Grinding Response Parameters of EN31 Alloy Steel” International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical and Automation Engineering (ICRAMAE-2021) 29/11/2021 - 30/11/2021 India.
Seminar Workshop Conducted/attended/Participated/Short-term Courses-
- Attended two Week innovation Ambassador Training Programme on “Foundation level” held by MOE’S innovation cell and AICTE During IIC calendar year 2022-23.
- Attended two Week innovation Ambassador Training Programme on “Advanced level” held by MOE’S innovation cell and AICTE During IIC calendar year 2022-23.
- Participated One day workshop om”Advanced Machining Process and Advance Machining Tool on 07-02-2024.
- Participated in “shodh prayas” on 10-11 May 2023.
- Attended two days workshop on CNC EDM &Wire cut Machines and mould manufacturing in CIPET from 13th sept.to14 th sept. 2022.
- Life time membership of ISTE Membership No.- LM132234